
A list of all productions since 1993:

Those marked as Links* can be streamed or downloaded as MP3 files



25th Anniversary Pick and Mix
A Bench in the Park
A Borderline Case - by John Glasscock
A Fair Deal - by Jill Woods
A Perfect Match - by Jill Woods
Again and Again - by Jean Donald
Airmail from Cyprus - by Willis Hall
All the Time in the World - by Anne French
At least it’s a precaution against fire
Aura of Confusion - by Angela Howard
Be There in No Time - by John Glasscock
Be There in No Time (sequel - lost recording) - by John Glasscock
Bed and Breakfast Burglar - by Sue Lenier
Belly Laughs - by Angela Neville
Bitten by the Millennium Bug - by John Glasscock
Booby Trap - by Angela Howard
Can This Be England? - by Jackie Bartlett, Angela Howard & Angela Neville
Can you Hear the Music? - by David Compton
Catracked - by John Carter & John Glasscock
Catty Talk - by Anne French
Channel Hopping - by Derek Webb
Chasing Mr Starshine - by Simon Jackson
Confines - by Angela Neville
Double Double - by James Saunders
Fairly Ultimate Reality II - by John Glasscock
Fenchurch - by Dennis Rookard
For A Few Gallons More - by John Glasscock & Dennis Rookard
Gone Midnight - by Paul Richards
Harlequinade - by Terrence Rattigan
Hob Nobbing - by Jill Woods
Hoopoe Day
Is It Something I Said?
Is That Louise's Mum? - By Vivienne Allen
Jacob Creber and the Felsoe Worm - by Gerry Mckee
Just a Little Fiddle - by Dennis Rookard
Letter from Etaples - by Jackie Bartlett
Major Brandish
Mr Humphrey's & His Inheritance - by M.R James (dramatised by John Glasscock)
Mrs Willoughby - by Angela Howard
Myself and Lady M - by Angela Howard
Ninety-Nine One Hundred - by Paul Kirkley
Not without Beauty - by Angela Neville
On a Day in a Garden - by Don Haworth
One in the Eye - by Derek Webb
Open Garden Warfare - by Colin Hume
Over Our Dead Bodies - by Angela Howard & John Glasscock
One Last Little Flutter - by Jackie Lewis
Parent Power - by Angela Howard
Pulp Fairies - by Angela Neville
Remember Me - by Jill Hyem
Room 261 - by Jackie Bartlett
She'll Have to Go - by Dennis Rookard
Split Ends - by Frank Vickery
Spuds - by Andy Morton
Take a Dose of Laughter - by Angela Howard
The Amorous Goldfish - by Michael Voysey
The Bowmen - by John Glasscock
The Browning Version - by Terrence Rattigan
The Clod Hoper - by Angela Neville
The Fall of the Roman Umpire - by Essex Audio Theatre
The Franchise Affair - by Josephine Tey (adapted for radio by John Glasscock)
The Half Crown Wife - by Jackie Bartlett
The Little Woman - by Angela Neville
The Naked Magician - by Joanna Smyth
The Welsh Incident - by John Glasscock
The Wireless Sings - by Tim Wander
Time Slip - by Wally K Daly
Trevor Ecclestone's Big Day - by Vivienne Allen
Uncle Ray - by Jackie Bartlett
Waiting for Gordon
- by Derek Webb
Waving to a Train - by Martyn Read
Wedding Belles - by Jill Woods
Who Are You, Alison?
Who is Sylvia? - By Angela Howard



For the Want of a Key
Two Emma Toc - Writtle - by Tim Wander
Who Launched the Lifeboat? - by John Glasscock



Words and Music for Christmas


* Free for non-commercial use. Contact EAT for anything else.
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